Wednesday 19 March 2008

So far so good - 2

Who said there was no such thing as cold fusion...? anyway, suffice to say VERY satisfactory day with the consultant (words those that know me well would have given good odds against me ever saying). Am progressing better than expected and the bone has nearly joined around the implant....

which is a long way of saying that Phase 2 starts tomorrow. I can start putting weight on my left hip and move toward ditching the crutches - and as long as I avoid public transport (this let them take taxis approach to life a bit at variance with general transport philosophy espoused in blog I realise - but there have to be exceptions to every rule), can start to go back to work part-time. Has to be said the one discovery of today is that taxis are much harder than cars to get in and out of - maybe I need to ask for a spare government Jaguar.

The only slightly off note was when aforesaid consultant said that he had just had to re-operate on another osteotomy (gross-out leg straightening) patient whose op went wrong -- and then said that I should find that reassuring because it meant my chances of it going wrong were reduced. Did this guy ever do any probability? Maybe he was right when he said in his day you could get to do medicine with three Cs....

So back in six weeks when I discover whether I can hop back on the bike... but a bit pessimistic on the chances of defending my Defra mixed doubles crown. May have to wait for next year.

But best part of the day was seeing everyone else hard at work ...

1 comment:

Clive Bates said...

Hooray! At this rate of progress you'll be ready for the 400m hurdles in time for the 2012 Olympics.