Tuesday 18 March 2008

So far so good - 1

Great policy thoughts (or even rather feeble ones) will have to wait for the weekend as this is a key week I go back to see the consultant and see whether I am en route to a million or am going to have to be satisfied with a pathetic £ 1000. Quite good so far - went to the physio today who was very pleased (he thinks I am a diligent patient which is a bit of a shock - no one has ever accused me of that before). Confessed that he had been concerned that years of duff hip meant my muscles had atrophied but turns out that they haven't and my slavish adherence to (admittedly easy) exercise regime combined with exploiting the public good that is the Arun Leisure Centre mean that he is VERY pleased with progress so far....

Next instalment tomorrow when I leave West Sussex for the first time in seven weeks and come up to London to see whether I get the go ahead from the consultant to put weight on my hip and open up a whole new array of possibilities - and I even might be allowed to go back to work.

Not sure I can stand the excitement -- Christmas on March 19th...

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