Sunday, 11 May 2008

Too hot to blog

as the thermometer rises, it just doesn't seem to make sense to spend precious free time in front of the computer rather than enjoying a massive dose of Vitamin D.  So no thoughts this weekend ...

It's of course not just the temperature that is rising, but the febrile political atmosphere which is curbing my scope for blogging.  Almost anything worth commenting on (except maybe wondering why Surrey have no bowling whatsoever) will be seen through the lens of what is going on at Westminster, City Hall or even Edinburgh.  It's not just that though.  Returning to work has been good - sort of.  What two months off through had made me forget was the sheer weight of the corporate overhead.  Have been spending days doing interviews -- all based on competencies - with helpful guidance form HR that allowing people to spin their past is a much better way of interviewing than asking people to show you have any really interesting take on the job you are applying for, any ideas you want to put into practise and any concept of the difference between your current job and the next one.  Past performance in a different job may not always be the best guide to success in a new one....

And despite Gus O'Donnell's great desire for passion in the civil service, I have someone protesting that it was unreasonable asking someone applying to run the Defra as sustainability leader programme whether they could think of a time in their past when they had successfully applied SD principles to a policy.  So no room for passion (or even commonsense in interview preparation) there.

But at least the weather is great for now.  Am getting bouncier and bouncier as can go for reasonable walks without the crutch and gym regime appears to be paying off (though am having to make up a lot of post hoc justification about building muscle as weight appears to be increasing).  But the First test starts next week -- will probably be shivering at Lords next Saturday.

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