Saturday, 29 March 2008

A small step for womankind

Not the best of weeks for progress -- was supposed to do a couple of days at work but managed to catch flu from the physio (he in turn blames some 85 year old for giving it to him) - confirmation of general thesis that seeing medical professionals is bad for health. So no swimming, only a couple of gym visits which interestingly had a six week waiting list for half-price medical referrals - I think we need a new target on that.

But, despite all that, two minor triumphs today - first, I managed to get myself into the two new suits I bought for work just before my hip gave out - had been worried that two months of custard tarts and no cycling and still bulging hip would have meant I needed the excellent Mary to let the seams out and, second, I managed to walk five steps across my bedroom and back without a "walking aid". Not quite up for the marathon in two weeks time, but on schedule for the 10k at next year's Chichester triathlon (veteran's category).

So its back to work next Tuesday - or is that just an April fool?

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